XVI. The Gospel of John ( May 02,2010 - June 08,2011 )
The Outline of John Gospel

Who is John and the Background of John Gospel

Jesus and John Relationship

4. |
The Characteristics of John Gospel (I)

5. |
The Characteristics of John Gospel (II)

6. |
Events Miracles not in John Gospel, but in the Synoptic Gospel

7. |
The Word Become Flesh, John 1:1-18

8. |
Greek Worldviews, Deism, Dualism

9. |
The Contextualization of the Gospel of John

10. |
The Testifier, John the Baptist

11. |
The Testifers: Adrew, Peter, Philip,Nathanel

12. |
The Hermenutical Emphasis in the Gospel of John

13. |
A Wedding at Cana, John: 1-11

14. |
The Passover Lamb Jesus

15. |
The Jerusalem Temple : The Body of Jesus

16. |
Nicodemus, Sanhedrin Four (4) Sects of Israel

17. |
The Dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus

18. |
The History of Samaria

19. |
The Living Water

20. |
The Holy Spirit and Paracletos

21. |
Worship, Christology, Missiology and 2nd Miracle

22. |
Missiology Prophesized

23. |
The Healing at Bethseda

24. |
Jesus: The Lord of Sabbath

25. |
The Five Breads and two Fishes

26. |
Calvinism and Arminianism

27. |
Jesus¡¯ Teachings on the Feast of Tabernacle

28. |
Jesus¡¯ Teaching on Jesus and Law

29. |
Healing the Man Born Blind

30. |
The Parable of the Good Shepherd

31. |
The Teaching of Jesus on the Feast of Dedication in the Solomon's Colonnade

32. |
Mary and Martha

33. |
The Resuscitation of Lazarus and Plot to Kill Jesus

34. |
The Anointment of Jesus at Bethany

35. |
The Triumphal Entry of Jesus

36. |
The Predication of Death of Jesus and two kinds of Jews

37. |
The Order of the Passover meal

38. |
Feet Washing, Judas Iscariot and New Covenant

39. |
Paradise and Abyss

40. |
The Way, Prayer and Paracletos

41. |
Farmer, true Vine and Branches

42. |
Grape and Wine

43. |
Disciple and Paracletos

44. |
Sanctuary and Prayer

45. |
The Prayer of Jesus

46. |
Gethsemane Prayer of Jesus

47. |
The Ten Cups of Jesus Christ

48. |
The Resurrection of Jesus

49. |
Why did Jesus Ressurrect

50. |
The Great Commission and Ascension of Jesus
