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Academic Programs (Tri Semester System)

Bachelor of Theology (B. Th.)
   The B. Th. is a three-year ( 9 semester) program in which 120 credits are required for the degree. This program prepares the students for a rich ministry in church leadership and teaching and provides a strong basis for seminary and other graduate studies in thelology, biblical subjects, and related disciplines, students with a high school diploma (equivalent) may apply for B. Th. course.

   Diploma of Undergraduate or Graduate Theological Studies. The D.U.T.S. or D.G.T.S. is not a degree, but provides recognition for students who are not qualified for a degree at ACS. This program is particularly suitable for students who want to be trained to serve more effecvtively in their church. A total of 60 credits of ACS study in the B. Th. program or a total of 30 credits in the M. Div. program is required for this recognition.

Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)
   The M.T.S. is a 60 credit foundational program in biblical and theological studies. It focuses on developing theological understanding for general educational purposes by stressing biblical and thelolgical studies.

Master of Divinity (M. Div.)
   The M.Div. is a six semester program, taking nomally two years in which 90 credits are required for the degree. It is the most comprehensive and recognized basic level program to prepare students for the ordained ministry and for general pastoral and Christian leadership responsibilities in congregations and other settings. Students with a bachelor's degree may apply for M. Div. program.



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